Michelle grew up as a performer in New York City. She holds degrees in Theatre and Dance with a secondary emphasis in Film and Multimedia from Southern Oregon University, Hunter College in NYC, and Naropa University in Boulder, CO. She has extensively studied acting pedagogy, improvisation, and vocal technique in New York City at La Mama, Circle in the Square Theatre, HB studios, and Theatre Sports. She has been fortunate to have had the opportunity to study with such renowned acting teachers as Stella Adler, Uta Hagen, Peter Goldfarb and Ruth Zaporah among others. In 1996, she founded Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids, an award-winning youth theatre where her mission was to create highly creative, innovative, and fresh children’s theatre for the community. Michelle has directed over 70 plays in all genres of theatre from well-known musicals such as Fiddler on the Roof and Oliver to dramas such as Eve Ensler’s Necessary Targets and most recently Sarah Ruhl’s Dead Man’s Cell Phone.

Julien Romeo Motola
Producer/Media Director
Julien Romeo Motola, is a 25-year-old recent graduate of the University of California, Davis holding a B.A. in Cinema & Digital Media. He was involved in Theatre O four years ago and assistant directed and produced the World Premiere of Cabaret Kalisz. He looks forward to continuing his education in theatrical production and directing. Additionally, he currently runs his own freelance media agency Digital Odyssey Media. Julien has been involved in theatre for most of his life and has been in numerous shows. Most recently his favorite roles have included: Aldolpho in The Drowsy Chaperone, Bernardo in West Side Story, Cliff Bradshaw in Cabaret, Fagin in Oliver, Bill in All In The Timing, Jimmy in Thoroughly Modern Millie, and Peter in Peter Pan.